College Activity Board

The College Activity Board (CAB) is a sub-committee of the Student Fee Advisory Committee at the district level. The CAB at each college is responsible for overseeing their portion of the Student Activity fee that was disbursed based off the allocations from the Student Fee Advisory Committee. The CAB at each college is designated to review CAB proposals for fund request from recognized student organizations and faculty and staff that seek to contribute to the co-curricular learning experience at HCC.

Student Activity Fee

Because these funds are accumulated by the Student Activity Fee, the stipulations for funding are in accordance with the Texas Education Code.

  • Definition- A student activity is defined as an organized, supervised, extracurricular activity, which is separate and apart from the regularly scheduled academic functions of the institution. Students must be involved in the conception, planning and implementation or directly benefit by participation
  • The Student Activity Fee funds shall be used on behalf of all Houston Community College students, to enhance their educational, social, and recreational experience at Houston Community College. This fee will support activities outside of the regular academic curriculum, which in the final analysis, are to the direct benefit of the student body. 




Who Can Apply?

Who Can Request Funds?

  • Student Organizations
  • Students
  • Faculty
  • Staff
  • Administrator
  • Campus Entity


CAB Can Fund

The Student Activity Fee may fund activities that fall into the following categories:

  • Student Government Activities: These activities or initiatives sponsored by the Student body or parts thereof. These include student government organizations and any registered student clubs of the HCC.
  • Conference Activities (Conference Fund): These activities involve support for students of the College attending lectures, conferences, symposia, or similar activities. CAB will review based on funding availability, cost per student, previously approved conference funding, size of organization and activity level of the organization. All Students must be accompanied by Student Organization Advisor. (Please note Student Organizations are more than welcome to fundraise or cover a portion of their expenses from their personal funds.)
  • Special Activity Funding: Available to student organizations to provide financial assistance when holding activities and events.
  • Service Activities: These are activities whose primary purpose is to provide volunteer service to the College community, outside the College community, or both.
  • Co-curricular Activities: These are activities, which promote, supplement, or enhance curricular activities of the students. To be included in this category, the activity for which funding is requested must be clearly linked to those of academic departments, programs, or schools and they must be in the direct benefit of the students.
  • Cultural Activities: These are activities, which consist of programs that are designed to increase cultural awareness, and these activities must be for the benefit of and open to the entire college community.
  • Interscholastic Activities: These are activities, which involve competitions, exchange of ideas, or simulations with students of other institutions of higher education.
  • Peer and Public Education Activities: These are activities, which promote knowledge and information within and/or outside the College Community regarding subjects of importance or interest to the community. Funding for political, or religious based programs must be funded on a viewpoint neutral perspective.
  • Humanitarian Activities: These are activities, which, through student action, promote or encourage the humane treatment of people or animals.
  • Hobby Activities: These are activities which promote, enhance, or encourage the hobbies of students at the College.

*All equipment valuing over $50.00 purchased through CAB must be returned to the Student Life Office after the event*



CAB Cannot Fund

The following activities should not be funded through revenue generated by the Student Activity Fee:

  • Politically partisan activities in support of or in opposition to a candidate or political party are not fundable regardless of viewpoint.
  • Religious worship ceremonies and devotional activities are not fundable regardless of viewpoint.
  • Activities for which academic credit is received.
  • No alcoholic beverages or tobacco products will be funded.


Student Organization Guidelines for funding

An organization representative must submit an online CAB Proposal from the Student Life Office to apply for funding. This proposal will include but not be limited to information on eligibility for funding, deadline for submitting requests, and instructions for completing Student Activity Fee requests form.

The following requirements are mandatory.

  1. Prior to the submission deadline, a representative of each organizations requesting funding must attend a CAB training. Representatives must attend a CAB Training every Fall and Springs semester.
  2. All information requested in the CAB Proposal must be attached.
  3. The packet must be submitted to the Student Life Office at the respective campus.
  4. All student organizations should have a student representative from their organization or club attending Student Government Association general assembly meetings at least once per month.

All organizations not meeting these requirements may not be eligible for funding. The Chair of the Student Fee Advisory Committee may decide to grant funding only in extenuating circumstances.


How to obtain CAB Proposal

The CAB Proposal for Travel and for Event/Promo Supplies can be accessed by the link below. Please note that all CAB Proposals must be submitted electronically. All students and staff/faculty must log into Presence to access and submit the forms below.

CAB Form

CAB Event Post Eval

CAB Travel Post Eval


CAB Appeal Process

Appeals to grant funding decisions should be submitted to the Student Fee Advisory Committee within 5 business days of receiving your official denial email. All decisions regarding appeals made at the college-level are final.



Central CAB Dates and Times

Please check back for dates and times


Coleman CAB Dates and Times

CAB Training  Dates 

CAB training is now online.  All Advisors and Student Organization Officers need to complete the virtual training that includes watching a video and completing a quiz. Please click here to access the training.
Applications Due

All CAB Applications are due the Friday prior to the CAB Meeting by 5:00 pm.

  • Friday, February 9, 2023
  • Friday, March 17, 2023
  • Friday, April 13, 2023 


 CAB Meetings

All meetings are virtual via Zoom. Applicants will receive an invitation for the meeting. We encourage anyone who submits an application to attend so you may answer questions the committee may have.  A meeting invite will be sent to you once we receive your application. 

  • Wednesday, February 15, 2023 at 2:00 pm
  • Wednesday, March 22, 2023 at 2:00 pm
  • Wednesday, April 6, 2023 at 2:00 pm



Northeast CAB Dates and Times

 Applications Due

All CAB Applications are due by 5:00 pm on the CAB Proposal Submission Date.

CAB Proposal Submission Date
CAB Meeting Date
February 5, 2021 February 10, 2021 at 1pm
February 26, 2021 March 1, 2021 at 1pm
April 2, 2021 April 5, 2021 at 1pm



Northwest CAB Dates and Times

Meeting Date Deadline to Submit
September 2, 2022 August 31, 2022
September 16, 2022 September 14, 2022
September 30, 2022 September 28, 2022
October 14, 2022 October 12, 2022
October 28, 2022 October 26, 2022
November 11, 2022 November 9, 2022
November 18, 2022 November 16, 2022

For additional information, please email


Southeast CAB Dates and Times


Submission Date: Sept 22

CAB Meeting: Sept 25 Time TBA

Decision Update: Sept 29



Submission Date: Oct 12

CAB Meeting: Oct 15 Time TBA

Decision Update: Oct 19



Submission Date: Nov 16

CAB Meeting: Nov 19 Time TBA

Decision Update: Nov 23


Southwest CAB Dates and Times

Please check back for dates and times


Get in touch

Office of Student Life