Disciplinary Procedures

Board policies: FFDA (LOCAL); FLB(LOCAL)

The Student Code of Conduct addresses procedural processes followed when alleged violations of the Student Code of Conduct occur. The procedures outlined below ensure appropriate measures are taken. Any Student needing accommodations for conduct proceedings should submit requests to the Dean of Student Success/Designee.

The College’s student discipline process may involve up to four steps after the matter has been referred for formal disciplinary actions, as noted below:

Step 1: Information Gathering/Preliminary Investigation by Dean of Student Success/Designee  page 106

Step 2: Student Conduct Administrative Conference with Dean of Student Success/Designee

Step 3: Appeal to the College Student Discipline Committee (if requested)

Step 4: Appeal to the College President (if requested)


 a flow chart with boxes of text, lines and arrows

Student Conduct & Academic Integrity

Sonya Splane, Ed.S, M.Ed.
Manager of Student Conduct & Integrity
Email: sonya.splane@hccs.edu
Phone:  713.718.8069

For questions relating to any of the previous reports please contact Dr. Sonya Splane