Mobile Go Center
The Mobile Go Center is not in Service
The Mobile Go Center is not in Service.
The Mobile Go Center project is an extension of the College for All Texans campaign. The Mobile Go Center will provide a way to bring college going materials, and person to person help to target regions of the state that have low going college rates.
- The Purpose of the Mobile Go Center (MGC) is to provide college-going resources to individuals and their families, and ultimately increase the number of students enrolled and succeeding in higher education programs in Texas.
- The Mobile Go Center is operated by the Houston Community College System under the Student Success Division.
- The Mobile Go Center is a large trailer that can be moved from place to place to provide information on how to prepare for, apply to, pay for, and succeed in college.
- The Mobile Go Center is a 42 foot air-conditioned trailer, equipped with Computers, 2 LED Televisions (used for presentations), Printer-Scanner-Copier, and a high speed connection to the Internet.
- HCC utilizes its Mobile Go Center to strengthen the college-going culture and supports local high school districts’ collaborative with the PreK-16 Initiative.
- The objective is to provide the community with the information and tools needed to gain access to college.
HCC Mobile Go Center Calendar
Staff is available at events to assist students and parents with the following services:
- Apply Texas-Online College Admission Application
- FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid)
- TASFA (Texas Application for State Financial Aid)
- Texas Success Initiatives(TSI)
- GED Ready Testing
- SAT & ACT Registration
- Academic Advising Student Advising
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