
About Corrections

The Corrections Education Program is a partnership between HCC and the Harris Country Sherriff’s Office.  Established in 1973, the program provides non-credit educational services to incarcerated individuals The HCC program was the first community college in the country to be accredited by the Correctional Education Association. Short-term courses offered are similar to the SCE short term courses providing individuals a pathway to return to college or gain employment once they are released. 

The Director of Corrections program is supported by a program manager and three support staff members.  A full-time Counselor provides job readiness and career counseling services to the inmates and provides orientations of educational opportunities and career exploration. Between October 2009 - February 2011, a total of 94 counseling sessions were presented reaching over 400 students. Full-time faculty provides instruction in the following career and technical education areas: 

  • Culinary
  • Auto Body Repair and Mechanics
  • Welding, Business Technology and Graphic Arts. 

Over 3,500 inmate students are served annually.

In addition, during the summer of 2008 the Houston Food Bank (HFB) developed the “Serving for Success” program. The program is a collaborative partnership between HCC, Harris County Probation and the Texas Department of Criminal Justice (TDCJ). Training is now provided in the areas of Culinary Arts and Warehouse Management for inmates that are bused to the HFB. The skills training that inmates receive is essential to their successful transition into society. The training also provides an opportunity for inmates to reinvent themselves.  With skills, former prisoners are provided with the skills and opportunity to apply for jobs and be productive members of society.

Robert Sims, Director, Corrections Education

Corrections Education Program

4627 Crites Street, Houston, TX 77011