
HCC requires all suppliers to have an approved procurement instrument (i.e., purchase order, term contract, procurement card, blanket purchase agreement, etc.) in place prior to providing goods or services. Entering into contracts verbally or without appropriate authorization is prohibited and a violation of state law. Any vendor who delivers services or goods to HCC without a proper contract is doing so entirely at their own risk. HCC does not pay for goods or services that were provided without the benefit of a properly executed procurement instrument.
Download the HCC PROCUREMENT OPERATIONS PROCEDURES MANUAL PDF Combined Shape Created with Sketch.
Download the HCC PROCUREMENT OPERATIONS PROCEDURES MANUAL RTF Combined Shape Created with Sketch.

Additional Policies & Forms

Conflict of Interest Questionnaire

Chapter 176 of the Texas Local Government Code requires that the Conflict of Interest Questionnaire (Form "CIQ") be completed and filed with Houston Community College by any vendor that enters or seeks to enter into a contract with the Houston Community College. Read more »


Communications "Blackout Period" and Political Contributions

Proposers considering responding to a current solicitation shall certify that they have read, understand, and agree to be bound by the Prohibited Communications/Political Contributions provision set forth in the solicitation document. Read more »


Ethics Policy

It is imperative that the Houston Community College family refrain from directly or indirectly accepting for themselves, or for another, any gift, favor, or item (tangible or intangible) that provides a personal benefit from a person, or firm that does business, or seeks to do business with the college.

It is highly recommended that the HCC family follow the principals and standards of ethical supply management defined by the Institute of Supply Management (formally known as the National Association of Purchasing Management). The principals are as follows:

1) Avoid the intent and appearance of unethical or compromising practice in relationships, actions, and communications.

2) Demonstrate loyalty to the employer by diligently following the lawful instructions of the employer, using reasonable care and granted authority.

3) Avoid any personal business or professional activity that would create a conflict between personal interests and the interests of the employer.

4) Avoid soliciting or accepting money, loans, credits, or preferential discounts, and the acceptance of gifts, entertainment, favors, or services from present or potential suppliers that might influence, or appear to influence supply management decisions.

5) Handle confidential or proprietary information with due care and proper consideration of ethical, legal ramifications, and governmental regulations.

6) Promote positive supplier relationships through courtesy and impartiality.

7) Avoid improper reciprocal agreements.

8) Know and obey the letter and spirit of laws applicable to supply management.

9) Encourage support for small, disadvantaged, and minority-owned businesses.

10) Acquire and maintain professional competence.

If you are aware of any ethical violations as it relates to Procurement, Contracting, Vendor Relationships etc., please notify the HCC General Counsel Office at (713) 718-7514.


Green Procurement Guidelines

  1. Procure environmentally preferable products and services where criteria have been established by governmental or other widely recognized authorities (e.g. Energy Star, EPA Eco Purchasing Guidelines).
  2. Integrate environmental factors into the Houston Community College’s buying decisions where external authorities have not established criteria. Examples include:
    1. replacing disposables with reusable’s or recyclables;
    2. supporting eco-labeling practices by buying products bearing such labels in preference to others, where they are available and provide value for money;
    3. taking into account life cycle costs and benefits;
    4. evaluating, as appropriate, the environmental performance of vendors inproviding products and services;
  3. Raise staff awareness on the environmental issues affecting procurement by providing relevant information and training;
  4. Encourage suppliers and contractors to offer environmentally preferable products and services at competitive prices;
  5. Encourage providers of services to consider environmental impacts of service delivery.
  6. Comply with all environmental legislative and regulatory requirements in the procurement of products andservices.

Nothing in these guidelines shall be construed as requiring a department, agency or contractor to procure products that do not perform adequately for their intended use or are not available at a reasonable price in a reasonable period of time.

Procedures and Guidelines shall be established as necessary to ensure the continuation of a strong Environmental Procurement Program.