Eagle Promise reaches 1,000 application milestone

Aug 21, 2019

On June 27, Houston Community College announced its Eagle Promise Program, a success and completion initiative that allows qualifying Spring 2019 high-school graduates to earn their degree or certificate for free at HCC.

This marked another step the institution took to remove financial barriers for students. With the announcement of this debt-free, cost-free option, HCC has received over 1,000 applications to date.


Eagle Promise Program by the Numbers (as of August 19)

  • 1,100 + Applications Received
  • 50% of students who applied qualify
  • 85% of students who qualify are enrolled for Fall 2019


What Eagle Promise Students Are Saying

  • I was thrilled to hear that HCC created the Eagle Promise Program. It reassured me that I made the right choice to attend HCC. This is a new chapter in my life, and I am excited to start the school year.


  • The Eagle Promise program is important because it shows how schools are willing to help those looking for opportunities to attend college. It presents the opportunity for me not to have to stress over finding the funds needed to attend college full-time.

  • The Eagle Promise Program is important because it allows me to get my degree free of cost, and gives an opportunity my family never really had. Me getting my degree for free will help me be able to increase my income and share it with the people closest to me.

  • The Eagle Promise Program is an opportunity for me to continue my education. It gives me the opportunity to be the first person in my household to go to college, and show my siblings attending college is possible.

  • I’m a single parent working really hard to provide for my family, and this opportunity will help me get through college knowing I will have the support needed!

For more information about the Eagle Promise Program and the qualifications, please visit www.hccs.edu/freedegree, stop by a campus Financial Aid Office or email hcc.eaglepromise@hccs.edu.

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