Women in Industry Conference slated for Galveston

Jan 12, 2016

With recent drops in global oil prices, plant expansions, and an aging workforce in the petrochemical industry -- companies will have to replace as much as 40% of current employees over the next decade. This is creating a unique opportunity for women, in what has historically been a virtually exclusive male profession.

The Community College Petrochemical Initiative (CCPI), funded by a grant from ExxonMobil, is organizing the Women in Industry Conference. The event will encourage women across the Gulf Coast to take advantage of these new career opportunities and explore options in the petrochemical industry.

As a member of CCPI, Houston Community College (HCC) is preparing students for careers in the petrochemical industry by offering certificate and degree programs at the HCC Global Energy & Process Technology Center of Excellence.

During the day-long conference, attendees will hear from women already working the industry about actual job experiences, how to best prepare for these careers, what training is required, and how to network with other women while on the job. The event will include lunch and feature exhibits by area companies.

Participants can ask questions, network with women and industry representatives, and make “real connections” with educators, including opportunities to enroll in upcoming classes. A morning track will provide important information about petrochemical and industrial trades career fields—and how capable, motivated women are finding success in a once male-dominated profession. An afternoon track will help show women already employed in the industry to “take the next step” on the career ladder, and how to make networking a valuable ally.

Scheduled breaks during the day will provide opportunities for participants to meet industry representatives from companies like ExxonMobil, Chevron Phillips, Convestro, Noltex, Jacobs, and others.

The day will end with “how to make it happen” sessions where women can learn about financial aid, child care, fast track courses, certificate and associate degree programs at the area’s nine community colleges.

The event is Friday, February 19 at the Hotel Galvez in Galveston. The cost is $20 for students and $40 for professionals. Some scholarships are available. Visit, womeninpetrochemconference.eventbrite.com or contact Kelly Dando, CCPI grant coordinator, at 281.425.6221, or kdando@lee.edu.

To learn more about the HCC Global Energy & Process Technology Center of Excellence, visit hccs.edu/coe.

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