HCC Central math professor to speak at Mathematical Science Research Institute in Berkeley, Calif.
Jan 28, 2015
A conference to be held at the Mathematical Science Research Institute (MSRI) is reviewing an abstract for a talk on Developmental Mathematics, scheduled in March 2015.
The mission of MSRI is: (1) to the advancement and communication of fundamental knowledge in mathematics and the mathematical sciences; (2) to the development of human capital for the growth and use of such knowledge, and (3) to the cultivation in the larger society of awareness and appreciation of the beauty, power and importance of mathematical ideas and ways of understanding the world.
Prof. Jacqueline Brannon Giles is collaborating with Dr. Della Bell, retired TSU professor, to discuss issues cited in their abstract:
Abstract: Issues Involving Groups Underrepresented in mathematics and Other STEM Areas
Presenters: Prof. Jacqueline Brannon Giles, HCCS Central College; Region C Representative, NAM; Member, MAA FOCUS Editorial Board; Former, MAA Governor at large, Minority Affairs; Dr. Della Bell, Professor of Mathematics (ret.), Texas Southern University;
Minorities are underrepresented in mathematics and other STEM courses. Some of the issues are: (1) Students enter community colleges and universities with inadequate backgrounds in mathematics; (2) Students don’t have time to study because of social-economic challenges; (3) Students’ attitudes toward mathematics are not favorable in many instances; (4) Students do not realize the value of mathematics in their life and work.
The presenters will identify careers that require a strong mathematics background. The presenters believe that teachers must have content-rich mathematics backgrounds and parents must encourage students to appreciate and pursue math and other STEM areas.
In 2015, minorities make up only 20 percent of the professionals in STEM professions. To deal with these issues curricular materials congruent with concepts in one reference, Intermediate Algebra: A Contemporary Approach, will be discussed.